Games section. Anything about games.
Information on games that are outstanding i guess...or is a very good game.
Unreal Tournament 2004
A First person shooters game. Whole bunch of styles you can play in multiplayer.
Doom 3
First person shooters that is more for single player. The game is kind of scary but then as some people would say, it becomes
repetitive. Scary still.
Counter-Strike Source
Multiplayer first person shooters. Is just like Counter-Strike but updated and powered by Source.
Half Life 2
A First person shooters game. This is single player but you can download the multiplayer. Both are great.
Warcraft 3
Real time strategy game.
Ragnarok Online
Massive Multiplayer Online Roll Playing Game (MMORPG) Many private servers. Ragnarok Online 2 is coming out April i think.